A Biodiesel plant based in Andhra Pradesh is using Plate and frame unit for final product. In this final stage product is mixed with bleaching earth, mixture contains 5 to 10% Bleaching earth. This slurry is then transferred to Plate and frame filter for final filtration. Filter cake is deposited on a filter cloth, this filter cake is then cleaned by manual process.
Filter Press Operation
Length process
Oil and spent earth spillage
Final product Contamination
Laborious job- at least 1 operator and 2 Helpers needed
Filter Press cloth needs replacement
30- 38% final product residual in spent earth
VPLF Operation
Improved processing time by 3 times
No Spillage
No contamination
1 operator can do the job
SS Wire mesh is durable
Residual is reduced to 14 to 18%
Introducing PLF has helped reduce operating cost.
- • Higher final product recovery
- • Reduced Man hours- Labour cost saving
- • Improved processing time